Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fruit Tarts and Raspberry Roulade

Fresh Fruit Tart
The crust is pate de sucre, brushed with chocolate (to prevent the crust from getting soggy, filled with pastry cream, topped with fresh fruit, and then brushed with clear gel gloss.
Raspberry Roulade
Egg Foam cake brushed with a raspberry simple syrup, a thin layer of raspberry jam, a layer of chantilly cream (whipped cream) and then rolled up, The larger log is has a slit 3" down the middle, a chantilly cream rope is piped into the slit, topped with raspberry, dusted with coating sugar (powder sugar and cornstarch-the cornstarch prevents the powder sugar from absorbing water) and garnished with chocolate.
The individual servings are brushed with simple syrup, topped with chantilly cream rosette, and garnished with a raspberry.