Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fondant Demo

Chef arranged for the current head chocolatier at moonstruck to come a give a demo for bake smart tropical fondant.  He marbled the fondant with gel coloring, and then laid it over a plastic mask, if left it will dry like that.
This is a fondant carnation, its made by cutting a long strip of fondant, and then rolling one edge till it starts to curl from being rolled out so much, then a fork, or knife is used to to make tiny cuts.  It is rolled up, and allowed to dry.
The tips can also be brushed with luster dust to make it look more natural.
This is a fondant rose that I made while watching his demo.  A bullet is made for the middle, and then petal pieces are made, the part that will be showing is rolled thiner to make it look more like a rose petal, and then they are wrapped around the bullet