Saturday, July 17, 2010

Chocolate Filigree, Hazelnut clusters, and Éclairs.

Chocolate Filigree, just a simple chocolate garnish.  This was my first attempt, and it is extremely difficult, the chocolate needs to be in temper, and it likes to cool down as your piping it.
Hazelnut clusters are just like almond clusters, only more difficult. Underneath the chocolate are 3 candied hazelnuts stuck (not well) together with hazelnut paste.  When these are dipped they like to slide apart.  These are not finished, they will be dipped in white chocolate and garnished.
Éclairs, pate du chox is cut in half (its very important to keep the tops with the correct bottoms) the bottoms are filled with pastry cream, a chantilly cream rope is piped into the middle, height is important, and then the tops are dipped into chocolate ganache.  The chocolate ganache need to be at 110 to achieve the gloss.