Sunday, August 8, 2010

Laminated Doughs

This is the laminator, or sheeter.  It works by running the dough through 2 rolling pins, which the width is controlled by a large dial.
After the dough is laminated to the desired thickness, and amount of layers it is cut, and shaped, or filled.  In this example triangles are cut, and a thin roll of almond paste is placed at the top.
After being rolled up they are egg washed and dipped in almonds.
Then proofed and baked.
In the case of spinach danishes the dough is filled with spinach filling.
Shaped, then egg washed and baked.
For turnovers the dough is filled with a fruit filling, the edges are sealed together.
They are marked to designate what filling they have, this one being raspberry (my creation) then egg washed, and dipped in rock sugar.
And finally baked. These are cherry turnovers.