Friday, August 13, 2010

Gateau St Honore

In theory chef demonstrated the assembly of Gateau St Honore
First profiteroles (small pate a choux) are filled with flavored pastry cream.
They are then dipped in carmel, and placed on a puff base.
After they are all placed on the base, the pastry cream is spread on the bottom, then a thin layer of sponge cake is placed on the pastry cream, and it is brushed with simple syrup.
Then the center, and gaps are traditionally filled with chiboust cream, but here filled with plain, and chocolate chantilly cream.
The almost finished cake
Then a fancy spun sugar tool, or just a whisk with the ends cut off is used to make spun sugar.
The rest of the carmel is used to make the spun sugar, the whisk is dipped in the carmel and drapped over 2 handles of spatulas, or wooden spoons.
It is then balled up, and placed on top of the cake.